4 ways I like to use veggies as a base of my meals. Boosting your Veggie Intake …

4 ways I like to use veggies as a base of my meals. Boosting your Veggie Intake for Optimal Health.—Increasing your Volume + Fibre + Micro & Phyto Nutrients + Water is an easy way of eating better and more but less calories.These ideas above can be used for a grain / wheat free swap or an alternative lower carb / dare I say “keto” option lol.P.S you do not need to be a vegan 🌱 to incorporate more plants in your life ❤ My food choices are majority plant based and that respects our environme

Source by aimerkra



. 12 HEALTHY FAT SOURCES Here is a list of 12 great healthy sources of fats! E…